Sunday 18 June 2017

Northern Ireland....Part 2 of 2....The Coastal Causeway route...connecting Derry and Belfast...

Northern Ireland...and our final goodbye...


........May the road rise to meet you, 
                          may the wind be ever at your back. 
                     May the sun shine warm upon your face, 
                    and the rains fall soft upon your fields. 
                               And until we meet again, 
                 may God hold you in the palm of his hand..... Irish blessing...


We pick up a rental car in Derry ...and after a side trip to Donegal County and the Malin Head, we follow the Coastal Causeway Route to Belfast... it's really Northern Ireland's version of the Atlantic Way that we've been on (and off) for most of our 5 weeks here.

Although, separated by an invisible border, we continue to find the same wonderful scenery, craggy coasts and mythical spots. Ireland has woven its spell.

Downhill Demesne - 18th C mansion built by Earl Bishop

The Mussenden Temple - built as a library for the Earl.  It is still used today for concerts.

View from the temple

See the castle?

16th C ruins of Dunluce Castle perched atop a basalt crag.  Parts of the castle have collapsed into the sea below.

Bushmill's is the world's oldest legal distillery being granted a license in 1608 for distilling Irish whiskey.  Our tour ended with several samples of 5 and 12 year old triple distilled whiskey.

The Giants Causeway of Fin McCool fame....the legend goes that the Irish giant (Fin) built a causeway of stone steps to connect Scotland, so that the Scottish giant could visit him. As those quickie romances tend to go, it didn't last long, nor did the pathway, as the Scottish giant tore it up as she left.

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge - originally used by local salmon fishermen perched 30 metres above the sea.

An old chalk quarry used to film The Game of Thrones. 

The Dark Hedges - another filming location for The Game of Thrones 

Torr Head..Ireland's closest point to Scotland...
Can be easily seen in the distance on a clear day.

Looking down at our rental car and ruined castle.
(Thank wasn't the other way....😋)

Scotland, the Mull of Kintyre, can be seen behind us just a mere 19 km away. 


 Mary McBride's Pub in of Ireland's smallest pubs where we just had to have a pint. The door below is the "toilet" door in this pub.

This is also door # 8 of 10 used in the Game of Thrones series.  The Faceless Man is in the centre.  Let us know if you want more details about it.

Thank you Maureen & Gerry for a wonderful visit around a peat fire. Friends we met in Albania and finally reconnected 2 years later.

It's been a real craic, Ireland! Slàn (Goodbye) Ireland....the past 5 weeks have been a blast! We feel blessed! From Glens to cliffs, whiskey and beer, to the transport and walks we've taken...for a small country (in size) Ireland... you've lived up to that old sayin'..."It's not what you carry...but how you pack it that counts!" And, you pack so much good stuff everywhere we've been.

While the weather has been brilliant during our journey here, the people throughout the south and north, in the pubs, on the street...and even in the rural Transport buses have radiated such warmth and love for their country. You've made us feel welcomed and at home! You are forever etched in our hearts.


May you always have...
Walls for the winds 
A roof for the rain 
Tea beside the fire 
Laughter to cheer you 
Those you love near you 
And all your heart might desire. Irish blessing

Cheers from Yvonne & Shayne 

Additional Random Photos 

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